ApduRequestSpi |
Data to build a single APDU command to be sent to a card.
CardRequestSpi |
Request grouping multiple APDUs to be executed consecutively.
CardSelectionRequestSpi |
Data provided as input to the selection process.
CardSelectorSpi |
Data elements for filtering cards and selecting applications.
CardSelectorSpi.FileControlInformation |
Types of templates available in return for the Select Application command, according to the
ISO7816-4 standard.
CardSelectorSpi.FileOccurrence |
Navigation options through the different applications contained in the card according to the
ISO7816-4 standard.
ParseException |
Indicates that the parsing of the card selection response has card failed.
SmartCardSpi |
Marker interface providing run-time type information about data defining the
org.calypsonet.terminal.reader.selection.spi.SmartCard resulting of the selection process
provided by the Terminal Reader API.