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All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description AbstractApduException Generic exception carrying response data received from the card until a communication failure occurs or an unexpected APDU status word is received.ApduRequestSpi Data to build a single APDU command to be sent to a card.ApduResponseApi Data received in response to an APDU command.CardApiProperties API properties.CardBrokenCommunicationException Exception carrying response data received from the card until a communication failure with the card occurs.CardRequestSpi Request grouping multiple APDUs to be executed consecutively.CardResponseApi Group of multiple APDU responses.CardSelectionRequestSpi Data provided as input to the selection process.CardSelectionResponseApi Data from the start-up phase with the card: selection data and any additional responses.CardSelectionSpi Extension of the card selection manager for a specific card extension.CardSelectorSpi Data elements for filtering cards and selecting applications.CardSelectorSpi.FileControlInformation Types of templates available in return for the Select Application command, according to the ISO7816-4 standard.CardSelectorSpi.FileOccurrence Navigation options through the different applications contained in the card according to the ISO7816-4 standard.ChannelControl Policy for managing the physical channel after a card request is executed.ParseException Indicates that the parsing of the card selection response has card failed.ProxyReaderApi Reader able to transmit card requests and having control over the physical channel.ReaderBrokenCommunicationException Exception carrying response data received from the card until a communication failure with the reader occurs.SmartCardSpi Marker interface providing run-time type information about data defining the org.calypsonet.terminal.reader.selection.spi.SmartCard resulting of the selection process provided by the Terminal Reader API.UnexpectedStatusWordException Exception carrying response data received from the card until an unexpected APDU status word is received.